Category Archives: Blog Power

More on Wolf Killer and ID Forest Service Employee Josh Bransford: Another Modern Monster

Reblog from multiple sources:     Wolf Torture and Execution Continues in the Northern Rockies by James William Gibson – March 28, 2012     Montana Anti-Trapping Group Gets Death Threat for Releasing Photos On March 16, a Friday, a … Continue reading

Posted in Activism, Blog Power, Humanity, Modern Monsters, Personal, Political, trappers, wolf killers, Wolves | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | 248 Comments

Dear @CarnoJoe — A Parting Shot for Joe Carnahan

Dear Joe Carnahan, In all the interactions we had over twitter during the previous few weeks you finally said something I agree with. You’re right. I’ve been using you and your platform to accomplish several goals… You see, in addition … Continue reading

Posted in Activism, Blog Power, humor, Personal, Wolves | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

A few amazing comments from others that are Boycotting “The Grey”

  Below are just a few of the comments people have taken the time to post after signing the petition to boycott director Joe Carnahan and Liam Neeson’s movie “The Grey”. While I don’t either of those uneducated and callous … Continue reading

Posted in Activism, Blog Power, Wolves | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Why I’m Boycotting “The Grey” and Why You Should Too…

The upcoming release of Liam Neeson’s new film “The Grey” has many wolf conservationists, animal rights groups and thousands of concerned citizens like myself quite concerned about this movie and what it might do to wolf recovery efforts and the … Continue reading

Posted in Blog Power, Personal, Political | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 61 Comments

Verizon “Zings” Customers for $1.99 – Claims it Didn’t Mean To

The AP and Wireless Week are reporting that Verizon customers in Cleveland are complaining of being billed $1.99 by V erizon for Data Services that they didn’t use. The problem,  originally received attention by the Cleveland Plains Dealer, a local … Continue reading

Posted in big brother, Blog Power, carriers, Personal, Political | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Soap Suds for Kids

If you’re anything like me you spend a lot of time traveling for work.  Among other things, this means a lot of nights away from home in hotel rooms.  I’ll bet I’m not the only one whom, as a result … Continue reading

Posted in Blog Power, Personal | Tagged , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Apple’s Unreasonable Censorship

I guess that the folks at Apple don’t really believe in the first ammendment.  If they did I simply cannot understand why they would refuse to post the following review to the iPhone App Store.  I have looked and cannot … Continue reading

Posted in Apple, big brother, Blog Power | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

A Personal Invitation to the GTD Global Summit: a conference you can’t afford to miss

As you may know if you’ve read this site previously, I work for the David Allen Company as the Editor of GTDtimes, the community hub for all things GTD.  David, the author of both “Getting Things Done: the art of … Continue reading

Posted in Blog Power, GTD/Getting Things Done, Marc Orchant, Personal, Video | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Sam Sethi and Twitblogs: What is Fact, What is Fiction?

Anyone that has followed the technology scene the past couple of years has probably read about the doings of Sam Sethi.  His reputation as well of the swath of destruction he’s carved through the online mediasphere has been nearly unparalleled. … Continue reading

Posted in Blog Power, Blognation, Personal | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

iPhone Phones Home, Tells Everything

Caveat: I am not a developer so what I am about to reveal may or may not be news to the developer community.  Nevertheless, this is not something that I was aware of previously and I have not seen any … Continue reading

Posted in Apple, big brother, Blog Power, iPhone, mobile | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 14 Comments